Co-operative bank ethical policy survey

Save Our Bank has been campaigning for the Co-op Bank to keep a strong ethical policy and for a return to majority co-operative ownership. We're encouraging all campaign supporters to complete the survey launched by the bank on 12 June 2014.

You can complete the survey here:

The questions in the survey show that the bank has been listening to what Save Our Bank supporters have been saying. Read what we think in more detail here.

If you are a Co-op Bank customer and haven't yet joined Save Our Bank then you can sign up here.

And if you're a social media why not Tweet to spread the word about the survey:

TwitterI've done the #CoopBank ethics survey - supporting #SaveOurBank calls for fair pay & plan to grow mutual stake

Or Contact your Facebook friends and ask them to complete the survey.

FacebookIf you’re a Co-op Bank customer then complete the ethics survey and support the #SaveOurBank call for fair pay, rejecting big bonuses, and a plan for building a staff and customer stake in the bank.